For this special solo episode of Gen X Amplified, Adrion Porter discusses why developing your brand is essential – even before you think about marketing, social media, etc. And, he breaks down what he considers to be the 5 key elements of a brand.
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As an entrepreneur or even a marketer – you should not put all the weight of your brand on your logo. Your brand is the complete story of what you want to communicate about your business, and the perception that you leave in the hearts and minds of your audience.
That’s why before you even think about creative, logos, or marketing – you must have clarity on what your brand truly includes. So here are what I consider to be the 5 key elements of a brand:
- Brand Purpose
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Promise
- Brand Personality
- Brand Presence (Identity)
Other Key Takeaways:
- Why your brand positioning is all about claiming that unique space in the minds of your target audience and the marketplace.
- Why you cannot be all things to all people, and must narrow your target market down to your ideal customer.
- How your brand’s promise is a direct extension of your positioning, and the expectation that its sets.
- Why celebrating and expressing your unique brand personality will help you distinguish your brand from others in a similar niche.
- The mistake that many people make by associating brand identity with only visuals. Brands can be both identified and remembered not just from how they look – but also how they sound.
- And so much more!
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Thank you so very much for listening to the podcast, and this solo episode! There are so many other shows out there, so the fact that you took the time to listen in really means a lot!
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